Hotel Bartan

Sicheres Hotel - Sichere Gäste

Sicheres Hotel - Sichere Gäste
04 Mai

#wirsindgeoeffnet #polnischeostseeentdecken #hotelaufinsel #30zimmer

Why the Bartan Hotel?

  • The Bartan is a small cosy hotel located among greenery on the tranquil Isle of Sobieszewo – a seaside district of Gdańsk which is the least populated part of the city, with only 3.5 thousand inhabitants living on 35 sq. km. There are more woods, beaches, meadows and fields than residential areas here. The Isle has a wide strip of pine dune forest along the shore and two large nature reserves at its two ends. Its 11-kilometre-long beach never feels crowded, even during high season. The beach, located only 800 metres from the Hotel, is accessible by two wide roads (with pavements).
  • The Bartan Hotel, which is a family-run business, has only 30 rooms that can accommodate up to 50 guests. Its restaurant with an orangery and a garden offers ample outdoor seating and tables. In addition, there is a catering tent in front of the Hotel, where guests can enjoy al fresco dining when the walls are open during the season. When preparing meals, our chefs adhere to strict health and safety requirements at all times.
  • We offer bikes which are perfect for making safe cycling trips around the Isle of Sobieszewo, riding along uncrowded scenic routes that lead through the woods or local roads with scarcely any traffic. More advanced cyclists will love the new 7-kilometre-long cycling route which goes round the Isle of Sobieszewo.

What do we do for your safety?

  • In order to ensure the safety of our guests and employees, we closely adhere to the guidelines for the operation of hotels during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland, which were issued by the Ministry of Development in consultation with the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate (GIS) on April 28, 2020.
  • The Hotel staff have been trained in accordance with the guidelines provided by sanitary services and have the necessary knowledge to ensure the safety of our guests (in compliance with the recommendations for the hospitality industry issued by the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate).
  • Dispensers with hand sanitizer for the guests to use have been placed around the Hotel, including at the main entrance, at the reception, at the lift doors, at the entrance to the restaurant, and in public toilets.
  • All high-touch surfaces in the Hotel building, including doorknobs, handles, lift buttons, handrails, light switches, and countertops, are regularly disinfected.
  • Our staff wear protective face masks or face shields and gloves while at work.
  • Hotel rooms:
    - during our Guests’ stay, the room is only cleaned upon request,
    - once our Guests check out, the room is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected (all high-touch surfaces and the bathroom), and then ventilated for a long time. In justified cases, rooms will be ozone-sanitized before new Guests are allowed in,
    - it is prohibited to use the hair dryers provided in the bathrooms.
  • Persons who are not accommodated in the Hotel are strictly forbidden to stay on the premises.
  • The restaurant is open for all Guests (incl. clients who are not checked-in) with minor restrictions. Breakfast and other meals are always served (no buffets). A la carte dishes are offered daily up to 8 p.m. The tables have been spread apart so that there is a minimum distance 2 metres between them.
  • Sauna and Jacuzzi zone is temporarily out of service (due to renovation process till 31.03.2021).
  • The kid’s corner play area in the hotel and outdoor playground for children are already available.

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